Change your life. Let us help you discover the tools and resources you will need to begin a rewarding journey. Starting over is never easy, but at KING-STONE, we are committed to giving you a chance for a life you only wished for. We have seen "helpless and hopeless" men and women become "serene and successful" time and time again. You are not alone, and we understand the challenges you face. We've been there, too.
Our houses are grounded in 12-step recovery, and our managers are ready and willing to show you how sobriety can be attained at a level of freedom and contentment. We have in-house 12-step meetings, and never have an issue of over-crowding. We invite you to visit us any time, to see for yourself if our homes are what you are searching for. We are always available and happy to help anyone in need of a safe, secure and supportive environment. All of our houses are near public transportation, libraries, major civic areas and 12-step recovery meetings. Let us help you find your way back to the life you always wanted for yourself. |